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you CAN move this div btw. none of this inputs anywhere either. go crazy

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If i see you on my property again i'm beating your ass. hard. ☆ Version 8.2.2, LAG? THERE IS NO SUCH THING!

A rotating wheel. Turning an axle. Grinding. Bolthead. Linear gearbox. Falling sky. Seven holy stakes. A docked ship. A portal to another world. A thin rope tied to a thick rope. A torn harness. Parabolic gearbox. Expanding universe. Time controlled by slipping cogwheels. Existence of God. Swimming with open water in all directions. Drowning. A prayer written in blood. A prayer written in time-devouring snakes with human eyes. A thread connecting all living human eyes. A kaleidoscope of holy stakes. Exponential gearbox. A sky of exploding stars. God disproving the existence of God. A wheel rotating in six dimensions. Forty gears and a ticking clock. A clock that ticks one second for every rotation of the planet. A clock that ticks forty times every time it ticks every second time. A bolthead of holy stakes tied to the existence of a docked ship to another world. A kaleidoscope of blood written in clocks. A time-devouring prayer connecting a sky of forty gears and open human eyes in all directions. Breathing gearbox. Breathing bolthead. Breathing ship. Breathing portal. Breathing snakes. Breathing God. Breathing blood. Breathing holy stakes. Breathing human eyes. Breathing time. Breathing prayer. Breathing sky. Breathing wheel.

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and all... the revolution??? ☆

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mini intro goob/goobie whtv

web design is my passion... MY PAASSSSION1!!11!!!

I keep all my goodies on my /credits and /resources pages. you can email me for anything ever forever. more on my /about me.

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Queen Of Kabuki-cho by Sheena Ringo

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I'm feeling... The current mood of goob at Today.

Where am I? / site intro

HI!!!!!! HELLOO1!!! Welcome to Goooby!! This is my website, and i'm goob, the webmaster (I wish i'd known my site name would be my username..) I'm horrible at writing intros...

Coding is my biggest hobby ever ever EVER i love to do it! I code using VSCode on a 1920x1080 sized screen using Chrome, every webpage I make looks best in those conditions.

Skipper I have a mascot (kinda) named Skipper that I shove around the website as a small easter egg, you'll see him quite often.

I realize that my site is very 'cutesy' but it's just my aesthetic, I use crude humor and consider the site 14+.

I code whatever I want meaning there're probably be more shrines than anything else. I also delete and move shit all the time, I use this site to do whatever I choose to, Goooby is just for me

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To Do:

Make page mobile friendly

Update /media page


EVENTUALLY reduce lag

update /credits page