"Kamiya Tsurugi, 26 years old! 13 years of wage slavery!"
Kamiya Tsurugi...
I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO PUNCH HIM. But GOD he is my FAVORITE character in Servamp. I LOVE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH. He is inherently a terrible person but i rlly dont care even/..
He's legit always doing terrible things and making peoples lives worse but he's so good for the ecosystem... he's a keystone species...
I just relate to him so much that I don't care if he starts fires and slashes tires /hedoesntbutstill
character with trauma that are constantly affected by it in daily life my love... He's obsessive, impulsive, and kinda spiteful, and i love to watch it!!!@!
i love it i love her i love love love love him.
eagle eyed viewers may recongnise his name from my niccolo shrine when he was trying to kidnap him LMAO