Jason Todd / Red Hood

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Jason Todd was the second Robin, and he is THAT bitch!! So many people see him as "the angry robin", but that is so untrue wdf! I read the comics where he was Robin, and despite what people say he was literally just a kid. He died at age 15-16 too πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

He had unresolved trauma, and his time as Robin reflects that; I feel like the reason he didn't work out so well as Robin was because of that very reason. But that doesn't mean he was a bad Robin, Batman should've helped him work through his trauma more. He has a strong sense of justice, and maybe that's what got him killed.

"Robin, did Felipe fall... Or was he pushed?"

"I guess I spooked him. He slipped."

We never get the answer, but if you ask me, I think he actually did fall and Robin didn't save him. Felipe was a fucking murder rapist so he got what was coming, he was going to get away with it, and eventually hurt another. #DESERVED!!!

That moment, however is one of the most defining moments as his time as Robin, as it was right before his untimely death.

Using this reading order.

Death and Resurrection

In "Death in The Family" he dies when Joker beats him to death with a crowbar, and the building he was in explodes. This is universially what kills him, but in "Under the Red Hood" The Joker kidnapped and tortured him (with crowbar), then exploded the building he was in. In DITF he was looking for his mother, and his mom rats him out and he sacrifices himself for her which gets him killed (again, with crowbar), while UTRH is just like "Joker wanted to kill him"

His resurrection gets muddy because the movie says that Jason was put in the Lazarus pit by Ra's (or Talia) Al Ghul which brought him back while many comics say that Superboy caused it by like punching reality??? or something????? Either way he's back.

For simplicity assume that the punching reality thing brought him back and then the Lazarus Pit is keeping him alive. I guess he was finna be in the pit.

I like to think of it that way but you can believe in whatever you'd like I just like the idea of him crawling out of his own grave. It's so cool.

Life After Life After Death

When he got back he was PISSED. Pissed that Batman never killed the Joker for what he had done to him, pissed that he had to climb his way out of his own grave (page background), and pissed that he was replaced so easily.

It's well accepted that the Lazarus Pit fucked with his brain making him insane for a while so when he first returned he had it out for a lot of people. He specifically took the time to mess with Bruce's head in Batman: Hush, but shit really hits the fan in Under the Red Hood. If I were you I would read the comic, then watch the movie as it leaves out a LOT of great stuff.

Him and batman end up like exploding in a building at the end of UTRH, but they both survive and this is their big falling out. After that Bruce just lets him operate as an outlaw WITHOUT killing. This is really a bandaid on the issue...

Jason as a villian did not last very long (thankfully), and in many issues he has a bit of a strained relationship with some the batfamily. Not to say they're dead to him and vice versa, but he's not as involved as they are with Batman's crusade.

I know a lot of people think he should've stayed a villian forever but I disagree with that so much! The only reason he blew up that building was because he wanted to re-enact his trauma with Joker and Bruce. He gave Batman the ultimatum to choose between shooting him, or Jason shooting the Joker.

He wanted to feel that he didn't die for nothing, and that in a the position where Bruce actually has to make a decision and isn't too late he would choose him. I think it would be very redundant for him to be hung up about this constantly, as his short lived hate was for this very reason.

Wait Guys I'm Kinda Getting Better!

I know a lot of writers write him to be a really edgy loner but he has really meaningful relationships with a lot of people. I mentioned it earlier but while he isn't reeally apart of the batfamily he still is in contact with them.

Personally I heavily enjoy his dynamic with Damian, Dick, and Tim. I think their personalities are really interesting! Also so fucking funny how he will take any opportunity to diss bruce like yeah fuck you!!!!!!!

He kinda hated Tim for a while because he was the Robin who replaced him, but the relationship they have right now is pretty wholesome T_T

I also like his relationship with Roy Harper, they suit eachother a lot, and I think it's nice how much support Jason lends him for his addiction.