BATMAN!!!! Batman has been one of my long-time interests, he's my faavorite hero!! The thing I love the most about him is the fact that he's flawed. He's just a human trying to protect his city, and the morality of his actions are so interesting to me
oooh my god bro i had to fight off two large men to get this code and even then it was the jankiest code imaginable UMM ANYWAYS WIP Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Sed odit obcaecati accusamus veniam qui reprehenderit, autem omnis esse doloribus maxime ab porro corrupti consequatur, ipsam officia temporibus debitis doloremque modi?
oooh my god bro i had to fight off two large men to get this code and even then it was the jankiest code imaginable UMM ANYWAYS WIP Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Sed odit obcaecati accusamus veniam qui reprehenderit, autem omnis esse doloribus maxime ab porro corrupti consequatur, ipsam officia temporibus debitis doloremque modi?
oooh my god bro i had to fight off two large men to get this code and even then it was the jankiest code imaginable UMM ANYWAYS WIP Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Sed odit obcaecati accusamus veniam qui reprehenderit, autem omnis esse doloribus maxime ab porro corrupti consequatur, ipsam officia temporibus debitis doloremque modi?
The big man himself. I have so much to say about him but one thing I find so so interesting about him is how stagnant he is. He is fundementally unchanged from the moment he witnessed his parents' death. I do have so much affection for his 'Bruce Wayne' persona, and how you can kind of argue there are 3 versions of him; Batman, 'Bruce Wayne', and Bruce.
The differences between them all are so fun to watch. Watching him switch to a dumb playboy persona WILL ALLLWAAYYS BE SO FUNNY TO ME. ALWAYS. ALSO to all the writers who make him abusive i hate you!! he loves his children!!!!!
I also dislike how serious some writers make him, he very much has dad humor, and enjoys how talkative many of the batfam is (heavy on Dick!!)
The Joker
THISSS EVIL BITCHHH... In so many installments I FUCKING HATE HIM1!!! In so many I ABSOLUTELY LOVEEE HIM. I love to hate him and hate to love him. That might be the point as he is everso changing, in contrast to Batman. He never sticks to one label or appearance, and nearly every writer is different in a way.
I am in serous love with how many writers make him flop between a general nuisense and an unhinged murderer. I won't say that "stop guys the joker is silly!!!" Bro killed Jason and THOUSANDS OTHERS. He is not a morally redeemable person in any way at all. But I like reading an antagonist that is an asshole for no real reason.
He has no true backstory, but I like it that way, like no just make him insane i dont care about how he got here. It is agreed that he has crazy childhood trauma and I EAT THAT SHIT UP EVERY TIME every time we get a nod to it. MORE!!!!!!!! I just think it's funny to watch him make up new backstories on the spot, it's so damn good
His flirting and fighting with Batman GOT ME SEATED EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. LIKE GOD I LOVE HIS PLAY FLIRTING. I'm not big on batjokes really but MAN I love their back and forth. SO ENJOYABLE.
The Riddler
I'm gonna explode him with my MIND RAY /pos. Whenever I see him I just think of the random bullshit that is his last name. In the 1940s he was born as "Nigma", and later changed to be spelled as "Nygma", but now it is considered to be "Nashton".
Some versions state that he was born "Nashton" is his maiden name and he simply changed it to be "Nygma" like the word "Enigma", and in others he was just born "Nygma".
Honestly I love this dork he is so fucking annoying lol
Richard "Dick" Grayson
His name is literally Richard idk who was the mean person who came up with Dick LMAO. He is the first robin, and i swear I'm not picking favorites but MAN I LOVE HIM. I read a bit too much of the classics so I am just enamored.
Him as Robin is SO SO ADORABLEEEE I JUST WANNA PAT HIS HEAD and also since he the very first sidekick Batman ever took in, so his bond with Bruce is little more different than the rest. Their Father/Son relationship is so refreshing and most of the time when something happens it's always Dick (or Tim) being the voice of reason
I would describe him as maybe the most the enthusiastic Robin, he was very much in his feelings as a young lad so I'm glad he atleast had Batman and Alfred to guide him through.
He's like so perfect. He's so imperfectly perfect. He is actually the definition of a superhero, strong, fast, and is kind. But he has so many imperfections and that's why enjoy his character a lot, him being my second faavorite DC superhero.
Him and Batman work together a lot, and their dynamic is so SO FUN their tennis is palpable. I want to listen to them conversate for hours. I feel that Batman and Superman are very similar in ideals, but the way they reach their goals are different.
Whoever went "yeah can we get a rich man superhero in disguise then throw in an alien country boy born with powers then put them together" BRO ILY #SuperbatForever.
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