Marquees are a way to make images slide accross the screen. You can use the basic code below.

scrollamount="" would be how fast it goes by, and direction is the direction. So try playing around with the controls, you can put "left", "right", or "up" for direction!



Marquee's are seen as outdated and don't work on certain browsers, so there are alternates! Of course, you can choose wether to use this or not. Here's the marquee replacement on my index: (you can just take this btw)

What I did was I made a div, made another one to wrap them (.marquee_replacement), then an animation for (.marquee_replacement) to move infinitely. Read more about CSS animations here! I used the transform property to change the position of the div.

The hover effect is to pause the marquee when the mouse is over it, so visitors can read my stamps properly. You can delete it if you want though