
new tutorials and graphics. also updated credits! new layout history STILL coming soon.. we will see... oh and new error page


crushed sitemap under the heel of my bootsoles. new dream diary page, joined a fanlisting, general cleanup. new layout history soon


updated resources, links page went to hell, new media page! tutorials will be killed next and updated reviews page soon! slooooow updates bcs of school.


changed update and nav iframes. tried to fix index bugs idfk.


Updated the About me page, and created the Thoughtchamber page, like twitter or something... Also changed backend shit no one'll ever see


The index has been changed: i optimized my code making it run smoother, made aesthetic changes, made it look the same across ALL browsers (I CHECKED.. but if i still missed smth lmk), and its now mobile friendly!! Just the index though 😲 + New blog explaining my long break. Happy 1yr! 💖💖💖


WOW WOW WOW. We did it friends I finished the new index!!!! It took me 4 days of grueling hard work but I loved it EVERY STEP OF THE WAY it was so SO fun coding this!!! I downsized like crazy too. I always make really big sites but this one is nice and compact. YAY!


finished shrine index, i plan on remaking a lot of them since im not really happy with them! I also remade the graphics page!! lots of pages are gonna get remakes stay tuned!!!!!


LAG HAS BEEN KILLED1!!!! dead and gone never to be seen again. I converted a majority of the "filter:" property into box shadows and turned the marquees into a normal animation CSS effect! YAYYYY!!!!!!

2023 11/25/2023

I tried my very best to reduce lag, I'm sorry if it's still really bad!! I fixed up #sitemap and a worked on a few other pages.


Hi! It's been 2 months.... I took a week long hiatus from coding, IT DID WONDERSSSSS I have so many ideas to carry out, I'm excited for you all to see what I have in store 😆 Welcome to V6! If the lag is really bad lmk, idk why but filters/boxshadows are causing a lot of lag now


if you ever saw this posted by accident on the 3rd no you didnt!!!!!! (please) but yeah v5 is out and im happy and excited and woohooo and also new cbox emojis!!! now time to work on my terrible posture....


finished blog, and seperated diary/blog once more!!!!


i made some super good changes! i remade the "music of the week" text image so it looks A LOT BETTER!!! and the poll bunny image doesnt collide with the poll. speaking of, im planning of making the poll a monthly or bimonthly thing if im not too lazy about it. and theres new text effects. yippee!!!


about me page remake has been launchedddd and im super duper happy with it jdfjhsdjfhksdjf


would you believe me if i said i've been working on this since the SECOND OF AUGUST... yeah.... so! new everything!!! IM SO HAPPY IT LOOKS GOOD ACTUALLY!!! I actually had a completely different theme and layout then dumped it halfway through. wanna see what if looks like? click here! also lmk what u think!! thank q for 10k views!!!!!!!!!!


literally. i got my phone taken so all i do everyday is code not much to say yes i made a new layout in 2 days yes im ok


hayyy..... im here and im not even done with the website but i really just wanted to rush through and pop this out in time! school starts for me in less than 2 weeks so i KNOW ill be really really busy. Back to updates, theres ANOTHER new layout i should not have done this helloooo anyways its a bit bland ill accept that but. like. i just thought the bg was pretty and i wanted to base my thing off of it.... alr bye see you in a few days when i finish AND I PINKIE PROMISE TO FINISH THE PAGES!!!!


FINISHED THE REMAKE!!!!!! im crying rn i feel so SO SAURRRR HAPPY TO BE DONE!!!! this rlly humbled me tbh... I hope u all enjoy this website as much as i do cause it took a good 5 days to get done lmao also theres some lag when you first open it, I'm not sure y!!! ALSO LTERALLY YESTERDAY I HIT 1K VIEWS???? YOU PPL ARE AMAZING


hi yea the site is up and i have the layout ready now its time to get crafty


heyyyy yeah i broke my site err nayways i marked off a bunch of stuff on my to-do list, i put a few images around the main container, and theres now two cute my melody gifs at the bottom. plus a new marquee lawl


ADDED ALT TEXT TO ALL IMAGES,made the old blue color darker so its less eye-strain-y, moved bottom links to nav bar, deleted old filler text, made the update log box longer, added images for bullets in lists! ^_^ if i missed an image that needs alt text tell me in my chatbox


WEBISTE IS FINALLY PUBLISHED! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I worked on this for 2 days str8 so I'm happy I can finally share it w/ the world yippeee the other pages are for another day lmao